Easy Set Up
We understand sport, leisure and education, and we understand that time is precious, so we use a simple 4 stage set up:

Sign Up

Log In

Set up your group(s)

Add your users
The group set up makes reporting easier and gives organisations a group by group understanding of risks and reporting.
Multi-group access allows users to view and report for multiple groups – e.g. an age group coach who also works with the senior squad.

at a glance
Informative Dashboards

Dashboards for every group
Giving individual staff and staff groups simple and clear responsibility for risk management of their players and activities
Central Dashboard
Where all reports come in, giving organisations a real insight and overview of risk management.
Easy colour coded management of reports helping to prioritise responses and prompt actions, admins can:
* Add notes to track incident or hazard progress
* Move reports from red to green
* Track number of outstanding issues in a simple to manage format
* Download report information to use for analysis or to share with important contacts

GDPR Compliant
Giving individual staff and staff groups simple and clear responsibility for risk management of their players and activities
Email notification
Notifies staff quickly of reports needing critical action to improve response times and maintain a safe environment
Password protected
Password protected login for every user. Restrict access based on user type – Coach, Group Admin, or Company Admin to ensure only those that need to see have access to important reports and actions
Modular Based
Have a form you want to digitalise, want a bespoke question set for your organisation, then simply ask and we’ll give you a quick quote.
Add Company Info
Add important resources and information to your “company” account for easy staff access. For example, add your critical incident plan, risk management response phone numbers, or organisation specific advice and guidance. Easy to click to on mobile devices using the Proactive App.

Report Types
- Drop your old paper-based accident book and use Proactive for simple incident reporting
- Report on a range of incidents – accidents, emergencies, near misses, security issues
- Designed to guide staff through the report to ensure all critical information is gathered
- Triggers email notifications when issues are flagged as requiring further action – perfect for senior staff to help them react to issues as they occur
- Colour coded reports for prioritisation and clarity of actions needed by staff
- The Dynamic Risk Assessment for every staff member, allowing hazards to be reported on a day-to-day basis
- Allows for the reporting of hazards within the 5 main hazard categories – Facility, Equipment, Activity, Environment, and People
- Triggers email notifications when issues are flagged as requiring further action – perfect for senior staff to allow them to react to issues as they occur.
- Easy to follow questions guide staff through the assessment process
- Think of this as your ongoing risk assessment helping organisations manage hazards in a more effective way
- A super quick checklist that can be completed in less than 2 minutes
- Prompts staff to check specific elements to ensure their session is safe to begin
- Goes direct to the group or club dashboard
- Easy Red or Green coding to alert quickly if issues occur
- Pre-activity readiness questionnaire for the screening of participants prior to exercise
- Follows the UK Coaching PAR-Q steps including short and long question versions
- Easily get participants to complete their pre-exercise screening in the comfort of their own home using their own mobile devices – the simple screening link allows participants to complete the questionnaire and return it safely and remotely from their device
- Review completed PAR-Q’s and add notes for future reference
- Download and share your PAR-Q for easy client management
- Available for free as part of UK Coaching Insurance or as a paid add-on
Add on only
(Endorsed by UK Coaching)

multiple views
The Dashboard
Every organisation whether big or small gets access to their very own Proactive dashboards. These simple dashboards show reports coming in and use a simple traffic light (Red, Amber, Green) method to filter reports by urgency of action required.
View dashboards of
individual teams/groups or
see an overall dashboard
of your organisation
Add notes to manage reports – change reports from ‘Red’ (Needing action) to ‘Green’ (Actions complete)
Flexible format:
Set different access levels
Move users between groups
Download report data for further reporting and analysis
Proactive Covid-19 Checker:
- Developed in 2019 as a reaction to the “Return to Play” requirements for sport which included the need for player screening prior to activities.
- The checker provided an Innovative one-way checker, allowing parents to report symptoms and restrictions quickly to their clubs and coaches allowing for simple and easy identification of players who should and should not attend activities.
- Adopted by major National Governing Bodies for their return to play protocols including The RFU, England Basketball, and British Judo
- Used over 1 MILLION times by participants and staff of over 700 clubs and organisations
- Provided at a cost of just £5 per group for the length of the Pandemic
- Developed and released in just under 3 weeks from idea to live app.
- Bespoke question sets and branded versions provided to major organisations based on their specific return to play requirements.
- Shortlisted for the prestigious IIRSM ‘Technology Risk Management Initiative of the Year’ award 2021.
- Endorsed by leading insurance brokers including Howden Insurance Brokers.